martes, 15 de marzo de 2016

News: Xbox owners will soon be able to play online with friends who have Sony PlayStations and PCs

This news article explains about soon Xbox players have cross-platform that lets you play with other gamers who have not necessarily the same console as you. It also mentions that the company presented this idea to game developers because if they do not agree, this project can't work. Also this article tells us that first game to accept the cross-platform is Rocket League.
In my opinion that's an interesting project because it means that people who have Xbox can play with other people who have PS4 or PC's. This news can change the console business, at the moment people buy a console depending on their friends because if they don't have the same platform, they can't play together.  If this project continued, the sales of Xbox are going to increase because there are more players online and it makes the game more fun.

Microsoft has revealed the Xbox will open up cross-platform support to games developers, meaning gamers can play on other multiplayer networks, including PC and PS4 networks. Pictured is the Xbox One and PS4

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