viernes, 14 de octubre de 2016

News: Russia creates terrifying 'death ray' that can FRY enemy drones from half a mile away using microwaves

This article explanis us about a new militatr device created to destroy enemie drones from a mile away using microwaves.  It aso told us that the gun supposedly dissables the radio enemy drones and milliles, so theoricly, the foe cannot attack that area with remoted systems. Finally it explanis us that it uses ultra-high frequency impulses to imobilise aircraft elecronics.

In my opinion it’s good for Russia becaure now they are more secure, but if we think about it, I’m sure that it costed a fortune. And  the bad point is that Russia is always spending money in innecessari millitar things, like if they wanted to cause a war. In summary I think it isn’t good to create new devicies like that, and if they have too much money and thay don’t know what to do with it, they should give it to poor counties.

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