sábado, 12 de noviembre de 2016

My say: Donald Trump

In front the polemic result of USA elections I’m going to give my opinion about that.
First of all I have to admit that the morning that I saw Donald Trump winning the elections, I got really surprised because I don’t think that a man like Trump can take such an important place like that.
After all the things that he said in meetings it’s difficult to believe that he get the absolute majority. If we think about why the people had voted Trump we can think it’s about the fear that they feel in front of terrorist attacks, and that’s why they want to close the borders. And on the other hand the racist people Voted him because they think that America is losing Money because of them and that’s why they don’t want to let immigrants live in the country.

In summary it was a surprising result but I think and I hope that Trump isn’t going to do bad things for America and for the world.

Resultado de imagen de trump

News: Now that's a bright idea! Street lights powered by FOOTSTEPS make their world debut in Las Vegas

This new article explains us about a new technology developed to produce energy by a simply and ecologic way.
With this new idea the street light are going to be powered by our footsteps because there are a type of plaques installed on the ground and when we step it, they produce energy. All of this helped by solar panels, can create energy for an area with led street light, mobile charger zones and also Wi-Fi.
In a short time we can found it installed in Boulder Plaza, Las Vegas.

In my opinion it’s a very innovation idea and now we only have to see if it works good and we can apply that in all the cities or if it’s just a nice project that never succeed. 

Kinetic energy is absorbed by pads on the sidewalk and then stored until nightfall when the street lamps switch on automatically


New: Bathroom breakthrough as researchers reveal 'splash free' urinals

  • News:

This new talks about a new material, like silicone, that coud eliminate splash from the bathrooms. 
Taht mateial could completly supress splashing according to the article.
And it will be used to make urinals for babies, hospitals, and kitchens much safer.

in my opinion we are creating a superprotected sosciety and I can't understand how some scientist lost our money investigating about an stupid thing like that. If a bath have some pee drops, you take a piece of bath role and you clean it as the entire world had been doing always.

The researchers used ethanol droplets and substrates made of silicone, as this material is commonly found in bathroom sealants and can be tuned to different stiffness levels, from jelly-like to firm. This revealed a way to completely eliminate splashing, as shown 
