sábado, 12 de noviembre de 2016

My say: Donald Trump

In front the polemic result of USA elections I’m going to give my opinion about that.
First of all I have to admit that the morning that I saw Donald Trump winning the elections, I got really surprised because I don’t think that a man like Trump can take such an important place like that.
After all the things that he said in meetings it’s difficult to believe that he get the absolute majority. If we think about why the people had voted Trump we can think it’s about the fear that they feel in front of terrorist attacks, and that’s why they want to close the borders. And on the other hand the racist people Voted him because they think that America is losing Money because of them and that’s why they don’t want to let immigrants live in the country.

In summary it was a surprising result but I think and I hope that Trump isn’t going to do bad things for America and for the world.

Resultado de imagen de trump

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